Friday, November 30, 2012

And There is More :)

Will I continue with having a blog? I think I will, it is a very helpful thing that can help you along your career. I have definitely, learned many new things in doing this project. There is a lot  of cool thing out there that can facilitate the learning process for the students. There are many things that will reinforce what the students have learned as well. What I really like about it that some of those things that we did in the 23 things are really fun and enjoyable.he one thing that I enjoyed the most was the Animoto where we got to create our own video, that just blew my mind and I just can think of many ways to utilize it with the students in my classroom. I think the project does not need restructuring or at least I cannot think f anything. I feel like I have taken a blindfold from my eyes and that with technology there are endless possibilities to teach students. As long as one is creative students can have a lot of fun while they learn. I think that, just being a traditional teacher does not get the job done anymore, One has to keep up with technology and see what kids are into in order to think of creative ways to motivate and keep students on track with school.I definitely have learned a lot and I will continue to use a log, and many of the things that I have used along the way.

Creative Commons

Here we can see that 23 Things is not an original idea, but a borrowed and modified concept. I think creative commons is a very useful and helpful thing. It makes you aware of what you CAN and CAN'T use. Teachers can be at risk of identically "misusing" a resource for educational purposes and could even end up sewed or in jail. It may sound kind of ridiculous, but one really does wish that he'she should have payed attention when they actually find themselves in that situation. Will I use this? of course I will, I not only to protect my intellectual property, but tot find my situation of having identically misusing other peoples' work and end up in a bad scenario. I especially like all the videos that the creative commons site has to illustrate copy right laws and the ethical use of other person's work. Students need to be made aware of what is right and wrong. Well that is it for this last 23 thing almost done. Please leave your comment in the comments section down below


Livebinders sounds like a great tool to have, but to be honest it is kind of confusing to use. I kept on tying to insert some websites that I found, but could not figure out how to go back and see a of the sites that I added. I also could not find the option to add  it to the blog. Even though my computer-using abilities did not allow me to truly feel the potential of this site, the idea of using the Livebinders sounds like a great idea. Having the ability to check other people's work and see some of the sites they have, and lesson plan, videos, and other resources is a great tool to have. I think that this tool in a educational setting is very helpful, especially for starting teachers. You have those resources to fall upon to help you along the way as you continue to grow and gain experience. This is a great tool for students as well, they have the free storage space to store all kinds of stuff including their homework and other resources they might have. When having all f the tools you use in one place it definitely helps. Time efficiency is very important to students. Organization is the key to success. Well that is all for this post and I hope the rest of you had better luck than I did. Please fell free to leave your comments in the comments secion down below.


My Facebook Pics Video

Animoto is absolutely amazing! out of all the 23 things that we have one this one has to be my favorite. How coo is that to make your own video. I thought you needed especial software to make your own videos. I just signed in through my Facebook and it automatically made a video for me. I think that would be a really cool project to do with your students. They would enjoy it so much. The only thing I did not know how to do was trying to upload a song from the library on my computer onto the site to edit my video's song. Other than that I loved it! I just cannot wait until I use this video-making site to have  my students create a video to illustrate a topic in history that we are covering. I AM JUST AMAZED BY THIS SITE! sorry guys, I did not mean o get exited by I really enjoyed doing this activity. Wel that is al for this post and be sure to create your own video ENJOY!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

YouTube Rocks!

I absolutely love YouTube. You can find many educational videos which you can incorporate into your lesson either to introduce students to a new topic or concept to to reinforce the material covered in class. I like everything about YouTube. You can create and upload your own videos to the site. You can share all the videos in this site. It is free, and very useful for recreational purposes or for educational ones as well. I decided to add this video on my blog, because it was relevant to this class and it enlightens us on the history of educational technology for student. The possibilities are absolutely endless when using YouTube in the classroom.This site is so good that we have accustomed to using it everyday that e seem to forget the importance of this great creation to humanity. YouTube has everything, it i a type of Google, but with videos. It has many videos from cooking recipes to videos about American history. There is not a thing that I dislike about this site, I just cannot even think about one thing that I dislike about it. I think each day more and more videos are included by teachers in their lesson plans. It makes sense, because most of us are visual learners and we need to see how something works. Well that is all for this post, please fell free to leave your comments in the comments section.

Thing 19: More Social Sites

I cannot believe that there are so many social sites out there. Facebook and Twitter were the only ones that I knew of, but know I see that there many more and that some of them can be very helpful, especially when we are out teaching in our profession. I have to say that Teacher Pop was the most interesting one out of all of them.You actually have lots of other upcoming teachers and teachers as well who can help you or you can help them by sharing your ideas  and different instructional strategies. I am just blown away by this social site, I LOVE IT! I also discovered IMDb which is a social site in which people write about different TV shows and movies. Well, that s all for thi post guys, please fell free to leave your comments in the comments section.

Facebook Rocks!

Facebook and Twitter are great social sites that allow individuals to keep in touch regardless of distance through the internet. I currently do not have a Twitter, but I do have a Facebook and I love it. In an educational setting you can keep in touch with parents and students and just the entire community. You can post assignments or important information on this site in which students can check hose messages. The only thing that I do recommend is to have a personal Facebook or Twitter different than the ones in which you have your students and parents on just to avoid misunderstandings. I like the ability to post comments, pictures, videos, and anything I want on Facebook for all friends to see. The main use that I see is to keep in touch and be accessible to students and parents. Also students now days are glued to their Facebook so getting in touch with them if needed and parents just in case that a teacher cannot reach them. Well that is all for this post, please fell free to leave our comments in the comments section.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thing 17 Delicious Indeed

I think this is a very useful tool. Signing up was very easy, I just did it through Facebook. Just like Diigo it allows you to build your arsenal of website that will help you and that will be there when needed. If you forget the name of a useful site you can always go back and check your Delicious account. Like I said you can really build up quite useful arsenal of tools that will hep you whenever you need a reference or need to refresh on something. I believe it is a very useful site. The best thing about it, is that it is free. Anyone can access it from anywhere as long as they have Internet access. Students can also benefit from this as they can begin to add sites to their Delicious account. Another benefit is that you can see what other people are tagging as well which will allow you to see how good the sites are. Well that is all for this post, please fell free to leave your comments in the section below.

Thing 16

I chose the iGoogle for the start page, because I am more familiar with Google then PageFlakes or Netvibes. It is really cool how you can customize you start page and put all the features that Google offers, for example. I definitely think, that this feature in Google allows you to be more organized and makes life easier by allowing you to put all the different tools used at in one place. I did not set the start page that I created as my home page, because I have Google Chrome and it offers a similar feature to iGoogle.
The Calendar can be a big help, because you can customize it with important events. You can set the Calendar to send you reminders and it allows you to choose from different settings of when to send you the reminders. The advantage to that, is that you can receive those alerts to your email or to your smart phone. With the Google app, you can access it from anywhere.If you are a very disorganized person this will help you big time, especially when trying to remember when projects and tests are due. I think that Remember the Milk is the best one to use, I do think it is a bit too much work, but in the end organization is the Key to success. I really liked the calendar on Google, because It is already on Google and I have an account with them, so why have a bunch of accounts all over the place with many passwords to remember. Well that is all for this post guys, please fell free to leave your comments in the section below.

Thing 15

Wiki is an interesting concept. You can have many people contribute into one place such as in Wikipedia. I tired the school's Wiki and thought it was very easy to use and I could easily contribute to the Wiki.  You could use this method of contribution to allow the entire class participate in it. It can be a real fun activity if the teacher can come up with a creative activity. The best thing about it is that anyone can add to it making it grow such as Wikipedia. In trying the school's Wiki, I found that it was an easy thing to do and had fun reading other peoples post right there in one single place. Well that is all for this post, pease fell free to leave your comments in the comments section.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thing 14

Here we have the flow chart created on Gliffy and the mind map on I found that creating the flow chart was quite challenging. It was hard t link things together and it was hard trying to come up with a main topic, maybe it is because it is almost the end of the year. I definitely would use this method with my advanced learners and have them create their own flow chart. Another use for this technology would be for myself to teach a concept or just use it as a timeline to go over a quick review with the students. Personally, I really enjoyed doing the mind map. It was less of a challenge trying to do it and anyone could do one, I think it is a fun and interesting method to teach something to students. I think it definitely breaks away from the "traditional" method of PowerPoint notes and something like this can make a complex concept into a simple one. Well that is all for thing 14 guys, I hope this can help some of you in your careers. Please fell free to leave your comments down here in the comments section.

Thing 13

If you like free things that are useful, then you are going to love Zoho Writer and Google Docs. When using Zoho Writer you are allowed to use this web site's version of Microsoft Office Excel, Word and PowerPoint. Did I mention it was free? In times like now is when we really appreciate things that are free. Microsoft Office is more than $100. Some of the features include file sharing, so if a teacher assigned some work they could all easily work on the project from their own computers from the comfort of their home. It also provides online storage for students to save their work with out the hassle of junk drives. What I like the Most is that feature of file sharing, because it just makes it easier for students to work on a project. You can also take a tour and see everything the site offers before you join. I really like this site.

Now, Google Docs is almost the same as Zoho Writer, it also offers an alternative and free option to Microsoft  Office. Google as we all know is a giant, and you can actually do much more, and if you already have an account with Google you can already enjoy these services at no charge and without having to sign up again. Students can also so their work in this website. It is somewhat similar to Microsoft, though Zoho bares more of a resemblance. Just like the templates in Microsoft, Google Docs also offers a variety of templates and features. so which one is better you ask? It really depends on you. I liked both of them, because I am so familiar with Microsoft Office that it really does not make a difference. However, since I already have an account with Google I choose Google Docs. Well that is it for today, please leave your comments in the comments section and hopefully this was helpful!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Googleleando!!! Thing #12

I loved Google Translate. It is just a wonderful tool to have. What I actually did with this tool is add it to my blog so anyone can translate the blog into their native tongue. In Spanish at least, I felt it was pretty accurate. It messes up in some words, but for the most  part it gets the job done. I would definitely recommend it to any of those in a Spanish class to double-check your work, not to cheat. In school it could be used to send a letter home to a parent who might not speak English or just so that there are no misunderstandings it would be an ideal tool to have. Also if a student does not speak English very well, it would be a good idea to have them play around with Google Translate, it could help them learn English faster.

I also used the Calendar tool. I think it is a great tool as well. You can organize yourself a lot better by having one and creating events on it. The calendar will send you reminders to your phone or email and you can customize when it sends you does reminders depending when the event takes place. So you could have test dates on there or parent teacher conference dates and ti would remind you ahead of time to be prepared. You could have students make one for themselves and help them be a little more organized . I think I will definitely use these helpful tools from google. That is all for this post, I will leave the links of my blog sou you can check out the google translate on it and a link to the Calendar.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Thing 11 More RSS!

I found that using the Google Blog Search was the easiest one to use. I just typed in a keyword on the search engine and it gave me a list of blogs related to that keyword. It is a wonderful tool, because it gace me some really cool blogs that I definetely want to follow. After reading the Cool Cat post about how to find blogs it just made sence. Why follow blogs that are of no interest to us or may not help us at all. Life is definitely too short to follow those posts. It is better to star out following the blogs of people who inspire you. I did not think the different blog feed serch methods were hard to use, but Google Blog Search was the mos effective. The other one I typed in something and it would not give me any helpful results, or maybe I was not using it correctly. I will stick with Google Blog Search, becuse it was the best option, I found some really cool blogs that have to do with history and educational technology, so I can keep updated on technology in the classroom and get ideas to use some of that technology in the classroom if possible. I did not find any unusual blogs all the blogs that came up were really good and useful ones. I will definitely be sure to keep up with them. That is all for this post, feel free to comment.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

THing #10 RSS and Newsreaders

I really enjoyed using RSS. I looked around and found lots of useful sites. I subscribed to Teachers: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News, PBS: Teachers, Cool Cat Teacher, and many more.Just having all the news feed from all the different sites in one place is amazing. You do not have to look in google or any other sear engine, because it is already there. I love the convenience of it. Not only can the articles be shared with the class, but as a teacher, I think all of these different blogs and sites are a great way to borrow ideas to help out in the classroom. There are always new tools coming out everyday and to have something that tell you when they come out is great, because you use those tools in the classroom. I think that those tools like the RSS feeds just make life easier. I can definitely say that I will continue to use this tool in the future. It just has many benefits. That is all for this post, please feel free to leave your comments in the comments section.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Thing #9 Having Fun with Generators


Using these things in the classroom can be a lot of fun. You can definitely get away from routine with something like this to do a creative activity. I used Image chef to and I chose this website where it scrambles all the word you type in into an image, I think you can use that in a history when class talking about a famous person, or have the kids make one as a project. However, I could not save the image into my computer, so I could not upload it. I am sure there is a way, but just could not figure it out. Those things a lot of fun and can get addicting.

The second generator I used was the custom sign generator and that was a lot of fun as well. I cannot think of a way to incorporate something like this into the classroom though. Maybe the students could use something like this to create a sign and put it into a PowerPoint along with the rest of their assignment. I think this type custom sign generator would be more useful in elementary education, having the kids learn new vocabulary with something like this can be fun. I have to admit I really enjoyed this activity, it is my favorite so far. That is all for this post, please feel free to leave your comments down in the comments section.

Thing #8 More Flickr

Stickle Brick Letter o
Ice Tray Letter L
Pushfit cube exclamation mark
I do not really like Flickr or picture myself ever using it. It is not that there is anything wrong with it, it is just that I really do not have much interest for it. I would be a cool tool to use in a history class. They could use one of the applications to put pictures together from flickr that have to do with a specific period of time being taught. Even in a geography class they could use an application such as Mappr to help them get associates with a region that is being studied. May be if time allows I will allow my students to do some activity like that, and see how well it works. I must admit though, that playing with those applications was quite fun. I used the Mappr application and I enjoyed messing with, however, it can get a little addicting and time consuming to use those applications, BE WARNED! Mosaic Maker was also fun, but my favorite was Spell with Flickr. I can definitely see how Spell with Flickr could be an awesome and fun project in elementary education. Kids will be fascinated by it. So, that is all for this blog, feel free to leave your comments down in the comment section.

Thing #7 Flickr By: Agencia Queretana de Noticias

Beautiful, beautiful Huimilpan, it sure brings back a lot of memories. Himilpan is a town in Queretaro, Mexico, The picture that I chose is from the town;s church, and the reason I chose it is because I have a lot of good memories of the church. It has a breathtaking garden in front of it and from there I would always just stare at the church. Anyway back to Flickr. I think it is a good way to share images, how ever I don't like the All Rights Reserved option it has, because I couldn't actually show the picture here on my blog. I understand why it has that option, but I do not like it. I think the website is pretty straight forward, there is really nothing to it when it comes to being difficult to use. The website has a search engine in which you can look up any image using the key words for them. I loved the picture, like i said it brings lots of good memories. i cannot wait to go back this Christmas, I'll be sure to post images for all of you all to see. Feel free to leave your thoughts, and comments in the comments section.

Monday, September 24, 2012

THing 6 Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

I chose YouTube, because I think we all are familiar with what it is and its features. I really like everything about this website. It has many videos of all kinds for educational purposes and entertainment as well. I believe it already is a very helpful tool to have in the classroom, just because it breaks away from having to only listen to the teacher talk about something. When we watch something we actually have a better idea of hoe things are done or see what actually happened such as in history classes. The best feature that YouTube has is how simple it is to use the website. You just type into the search engine what you are looking for and it gives a list of videos to choose from. You can also create an account at no cost and store videos in a play list in case we forget about a video it will be there ready be watched. So, as we all can see using YouTube in the classroom is a very useful educational tool. I will definitely use it in the future. What do you guys think? Please feel free to leave your comment.

Web 2.0/School 2.0 and the Future of Education

"School 2.0" means yo me, a more interactive way of learning. Just being in the classroom sitting down listening to the teacher talk is not sufficient anymore. With the help of the Internet, students really have the entire world at their fingertips. Teachers can take advantage of this to have more creative and fun ways of instruction that can be even more effective than just a regular lecture. It is hard to get students to get students' attention and keep their attention. I guess when I think of School 2.0 I think of D2L. It is an online web page in which many students have to put posts and comment on  classmate's posts as well. In there student's give input over a specific topic given by the instructor, but students also get to see what all their classmates think. Professors also put up their note on it, so that can students can just print them off. I think that something like that could be incorporated into the classroom, but in a form of a blog which is free. It is hard to really say what something like that really means, because it includes so many things.

I think this technology will be more and more included into the classroom as time goes on. These new generations along with us, are living in a more technologically driven society in which we demand to have information now. This phenomenon will definitely influence children, so we must be able to know enough about new technologies in order to keep up and be able to think of creative ways in which we can adapt all of this in the classroom to make learning more interesting.

Thing 4 Commenting on Posts

Commenting on posts creates a sense of community and interaction, because we get to see other future teacher's or teacher's insights on what they think about our posts. It creates that sense of community, because by reading some of the posts we see that we may face the same challenges or problems that we do. Having those comments or suggestions can help us not only reflect, but also give us some suggestions on how to tackle those problems. It makes us feel a sense of security, because we are not in it alone, we are all in it together.

When creating a comment it is a good idea just to include some thing about you in the blog, like a personal experience. I think that just makes the blog more personal not only to yourself, but to the public as well. It just reminds us that we are all human and maybe that personal experience can help someone who is in the same predicament. I also liked another  point in one of the articles, where they suggest just to ask the reader to leave a comment. It is already implied, however, telling the public to leave a comment just seem more inviting and gives the reader that sense of MI BLOG ES SU BLOG. So, from now on, I will invite everyone to leave their comments behind.

I chose Feller ed Tech, Andrea's Thoughts on 23 Things, L. Oliphant's 23 Things, 23 Things, The Brennan Breeze, Blair's 23 Things, and Technology and Teaching with Mrs. Crouch. I chose these blogs at random, because I wanted to get to know my fellow classmates and see what their thoughts are. My comments all varied depending on what my classmates posted over. However, they were all to the extent of agreeing with what they had to say and just commenting about their creative ways in which they will use various technologies in their classrooms with their students. I wrote down some of their ideas and hopefully I will get to use them inthe future

Monday, September 3, 2012

THing #3

     Having a blog can allow you to reflect on your teaching methods and allow you to see how you have grown as a teacher over time. It is also a great way to get insight from other teachers, and see what they are using in their classroom allowing  you to borrow ideas. It allows teachers to keep in touch with parents and allows them to see what is being done in the classroom. Even now before actually becoming teachers a blog can help future teachers become great professionals by using this tool to their advantage to see  teacher examples of what they are doing in the classroom. As we can see, if we use this resource, we can have a lot of benefits.

Thing #2

     I decided ion the name of my blog by just thinking of something creative. I think that it is just right, because it really is a world of learning. I am learning as I go, and hopefully others will learn as well. I did not thing it was hard to make a blog. The instructions were easy to follow, and I had the instructor of the class help me along the way. I do not believe my avatar reflects my personality. When I was making it, I thought it looked coll, so I just went with what I had made. My avatar does not loo like me, other than the soccer ball I do not believe it looks anything like me. It was a great experience creating a blog considering the fact that I had never made one. I definitely think that a blog is a great tool that will help me along the way.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

THing #1

     Habit 7 1/2 is the easiest one for me. When you play you have fun, and while you have fun you learn. I have had teachers and professors that made their classes so fun and interesting that in the process you did not even know you were learning. I think that having that classroom atmosphere and the teacher possessing that charisma, that personality, and the intelligence of making something fun when it might otherwise not be, makes for an effective teacher. The great thing about all of that is that you can learn to be a fun teacher, practice makes perfect. Teachers can be a positive influence to others.
     The hardest habit for me , is number 6. There is no doubt that having technology at your disposal can be a very important tool for learning. In fact it is almost imperative to have technology now days. However, sometimes the different types of hardware and software can be a bit intimidating. Sometimes it seems like if technology was not very user friendly. I know I was born in the Internet era with computers, smart phones, smart boards, and tablets, but sometimes getting the hang of all the new and innovative products out there is what makes intimidating. Nonetheless, having those resources and learning how to use them can really boost the learning experience. We have to adapt to all this things, because we can only keep moving forward.