Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thing 14

Here we have the flow chart created on Gliffy and the mind map on bubble.us. I found that creating the flow chart was quite challenging. It was hard t link things together and it was hard trying to come up with a main topic, maybe it is because it is almost the end of the year. I definitely would use this method with my advanced learners and have them create their own flow chart. Another use for this technology would be for myself to teach a concept or just use it as a timeline to go over a quick review with the students. Personally, I really enjoyed doing the mind map. It was less of a challenge trying to do it and anyone could do one, I think it is a fun and interesting method to teach something to students. I think it definitely breaks away from the "traditional" method of PowerPoint notes and something like this can make a complex concept into a simple one. Well that is all for thing 14 guys, I hope this can help some of you in your careers. Please fell free to leave your comments down here in the comments section.

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