Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thing 16

I chose the iGoogle for the start page, because I am more familiar with Google then PageFlakes or Netvibes. It is really cool how you can customize you start page and put all the features that Google offers, for example. I definitely think, that this feature in Google allows you to be more organized and makes life easier by allowing you to put all the different tools used at in one place. I did not set the start page that I created as my home page, because I have Google Chrome and it offers a similar feature to iGoogle.
The Calendar can be a big help, because you can customize it with important events. You can set the Calendar to send you reminders and it allows you to choose from different settings of when to send you the reminders. The advantage to that, is that you can receive those alerts to your email or to your smart phone. With the Google app, you can access it from anywhere.If you are a very disorganized person this will help you big time, especially when trying to remember when projects and tests are due. I think that Remember the Milk is the best one to use, I do think it is a bit too much work, but in the end organization is the Key to success. I really liked the calendar on Google, because It is already on Google and I have an account with them, so why have a bunch of accounts all over the place with many passwords to remember. Well that is all for this post guys, please fell free to leave your comments in the section below.

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