Friday, October 5, 2012

Thing 11 More RSS!

I found that using the Google Blog Search was the easiest one to use. I just typed in a keyword on the search engine and it gave me a list of blogs related to that keyword. It is a wonderful tool, because it gace me some really cool blogs that I definetely want to follow. After reading the Cool Cat post about how to find blogs it just made sence. Why follow blogs that are of no interest to us or may not help us at all. Life is definitely too short to follow those posts. It is better to star out following the blogs of people who inspire you. I did not think the different blog feed serch methods were hard to use, but Google Blog Search was the mos effective. The other one I typed in something and it would not give me any helpful results, or maybe I was not using it correctly. I will stick with Google Blog Search, becuse it was the best option, I found some really cool blogs that have to do with history and educational technology, so I can keep updated on technology in the classroom and get ideas to use some of that technology in the classroom if possible. I did not find any unusual blogs all the blogs that came up were really good and useful ones. I will definitely be sure to keep up with them. That is all for this post, feel free to comment.

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